Our Coffees

Here are the different varieties of coffee that we have to offer you, come and try them today to experience the soothing flavours and aromas!

delicious capuccino

Capuccino is a coffee topped with foamed milk and sprinkled with chocolate or cinnamon. The term comes form the Italian word meaning hood (small cap). It was first described in Italy in the 1930s and has become popular with the advent of espresso machines.

scrumptious flatwhite

Flat white is an Australian invention developed in 1980s. It uses microfoamed milk often poured into a shape at the top. It is now being sold in Starbuck franchises in the UK.


Short black is a small (30ml) shot of espresso coffee. The froth at the top is called crema and is created by forcing the hot water through the ground coffee under pressure. Short black is the Australian term, in most countries it is call espresso.


Latte is an espresso and steamed milk named after the Italian caffe latte meaning milk coffee. This type of coffee has been served in Europe for 400 years.


Irish coffee is a cocktail of hot coffee, Irish whisky and sugar (often brown sugar). It was originaly developed by Joe Sheriden, head chef at Foynes in County Limerick in 1940s.